Welcome to our website!You will find News and Information about the IKKS Foundation
Rebuilding our societySocial, Cultural and Economic development of our area, through activities and actions of the IKKS Foundation.
Welcome to our website!You will find News and Information about the IKKS Foundation
Rebuilding our societySocial, Cultural and Economic development of our area, through activities and actions of the IKKS Foundation.

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Welcome to IKKS Ancient PYLOS

You can now also contribute to the cultural heritage of your home area. The foundation of Mrs. Konstantina Kolokytha Stamatelopoulou highlights the archaeological heritage of the place and contributes with donations to the development of our society. By listening to the pulse of society, the foundation turns ideas and needs of the citizens of the region into reality.

Museum of Chora - The Ancient Pylos

Undoubtedly, the exhibition is one of the most representative on a nationwide level for monitoring the development of Mycenaean culture in general, understanding the Mycenaean palatial art and funerary practice in Messinia.

The central idea of the new exhibition is summed up in its title "The Palace of Pylos and its Territory", as all the archaeological material of the Museum of Chora, as thoroughly analyzed in the individual sections, serves the specific narrative depicted in it.

The Hall of the Griffin Warrior

The "ARCHAIA PYLOS" foundation of Mrs. Kolokytha Stamatelopoulou finances the design, study and construction of the hall of the Griffin Warrior. The findings are of enormous importance for the archaeological and cultural heritage of the place.

Latest from the Foundation

Πρόσκληση στην παρουσίαση του συγγραφικού έργου της κ. Κωνσταντίνας Κολοκυθά Σταματελοπούλου – μέλος της Ε.Μ.Σ., στη Καλαμάτα. “Η Ιστορία μιας σακούλας” […]

Συγκινημένη η Πρόεδρος του Ιδρύματος Κωνσταντίνα Κολοκυθά-Σταματελοπούλου, μαζί με την Aντιπρόεδρο, Ηρώ Κοκκέβη, παρέδωσαν τους επαίνους[…]

Από τα πλέον επίσημα χείλη, αυτά της Υπουργού Πολιτισμού δόθηκαν οι απαντήσεις
που εδώ και καιρό ανέμεναν[…]

Σας ευχόμαστε Καλό Πάσχα! […]

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